maine coon breeders

best age to neuter a maine coon article

What is the Best Age to Neuter a Maine Coon?

After years of practicing early spay/neuter on Maine Coon kittens, I share a shift in perspective due to an incident that led to a kitten’s severe health issue and eventual euthanasia.

How to Photograph Kittens and Cats

How to Photograph Kittens and Cats

Capturing the essence of a beautiful kitten in a photograph is something to behold! They’re so full of life, love, and personality. To be able to bottle,all of that up into one camera frame can…

maine coon cattery

My Little Maine Coon Cattery

I’m very diligent in all of the research that I do when it comes to making decisions about this journey, including my Maine Coon cattery space.  It was important to me for my breeding cats…