best age to neuter a maine coon article

I’ve been doing early spays and neuters on my kittens since I started breeding Maine Coons in 2017. It was part of my package. All of my kittens have been altered before they go home. But as I opened my eyes more over the years, I began to think for myself as a breeder. I realized that it may not be the best decision for my kittens.

There’s definitely two opposing sides to this topic. The early spay advocates will say that early surgery has no effect on a kitten whatsoever. The other side will say that there are too many risks involved. It’s up to me as a breeder to do my own research and make the best decision for my kittens.

Unfortunately, our “community” of breeders exerts strong pressure. They want to ensure it’s done before the kittens leave for their new homes. There’s only one reason is used to support this, and that’s to guarantee that people don’t breed the cat.

When I first established a relationship with my veterinarian, she advised me not to do early surgeries. She said she doesn’t like to do them before the age of 6 months old. I insisted that we needed to do them before the kittens went home at 12 weeks old. She reluctantly agreed.

The Injury That Changed My Mind Completely

maine coon kitten harlequin superhero baby
Superhero 9 Weeks Old

I was considering not doing early spay/neuter for several months. Then, I had an incident happen that changed my thoughts completely.

I took my litter of kittens in for their sex altering surgeries at the age of 11 weeks old. Everyone was healthy, vibrant and doing great. When the kittens came home, I noticed that one wasn’t able to poop. He was eating fine and acting normal, but was straining in his litter box.

After a vet visit, she suspected that his bowels could be “moving slow” due to the anesthesia. She mentioned that “it happens sometimes”. I was told to give him some laxative and monitor him.

Two more days went by and his condition worsened. He was crying and being vocal in the litter box, still with no results. He became lethargic so back to the vet he went.

After some X-Rays, she explained that his intestines were “bunched up” and that it looked very grim. I had to make the decision to humanely euthanize him. He was scheduled to go home with a sibling, and having to tell the owner this news was heart wrenching.

Other Issues I’ve Experienced from Early Surgeries

Yes bad things happen, and maybe this wasn’t caused from the neuter surgery. But it was too weird of a coincidence for me to ever think differently. After researching this immensely, I discovered that anesthesia CAN slow down the bowel movement, which CAN cause big problems. As it did in my case.

On that day, I began to research the potential negative effects of early spay and neuter. Ultimately, I came to the decision I’m making as of the day of this blog post.

The risk of death from this procedure is obviously rare, but I’ve experienced it first hand. In addition, I have some friends that also breed Maine Coons. They have had kittens pass away during the surgery. One kitten got lung infections from the breathing tube and passed away a few days later. So my case is not isolated.

There are other things that I’ve personally experienced from early spay/neuter surgeries:

  • Hematomas
  • Stitches being opened and getting infected
  • Testicle infections from some of the scrotum being “left behind”
  • Hernias

I’m going to remove the babies from having to endure these things at such a young age. Sassy Koonz Maine Coon Kittens will no longer be spayed or neutered before they go home. It will be the responsibility of the new owner to do it before the age of 6 months old.

My vet will be happy to hear this news.

Controversy Around The Early Spay/Neuter Trend

Until the late 1990’s, most spays and neuter procedures were performed between the age of 6 to 9 months old. With the rise of pet overpopulation “problems” the trend began to implement altering cats at a younger age.

The goal of early spay and neuter was to:

  • prevent unplanned litters
  • reduce the number of homeless cats

Today, it’s common practice for a shelter to spay and neuter every kitten before it leaves for its new home. The only requirement is that they kitten weigh at least 2 pounds. This practice has certainly reduced the number of unwanted litters, so it did accomplish what it needed to.

Working with Pedigree cats, specifically Maine Coons, is a bit different than shelter cats. I started researching the risks involved. I discovered that you get different search results based on the question you ask. So there is no definitive answers. We all just have to use our best judgement. I really don’t think there’s a right or wrong answer.

Health Concerns

maine coon kittens for sale georgia barbie
Barbie 5 Weeks old

Most veterinarians believe that altering a cat before it reaches full maturity poses health risks. This is especially true for a large breed cat like the Maine Coon.

Some risks are short -term while others can be life changing. I’m not okay with any of these risks:

  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Osteochondrosis Dissecans
  • Patellar Luxation
  • Growth Plate Injuries
  • Arthritis
  • Sarcomas
  • Intestinal Issues

Of course, these issues can arise in any cat regardless of the age it was altered. But considerations should be made for Maine Coons which are slower to mature.


Hormones affect the way humans think and behave. They have the same affect on a cat. Altering a Maine Coon early disrupts the natural hormone balance of the cat. This could potentially impact the behavior of the cat into adulthood.

Please note that not all cats will experience issues but here are some issues that could present, all of which can be associated with early spaying and neutering:

  • Anxiety/Fearfulness
  • Aggression
  • Inappropriate Elimination
best age to neuter a maine coon
Granite 11 Weeks Old [RESERVED]

Maine Coon Kittens: Larger Than Life

Should our Maine Coons be deprived of their chance to develop? This question arises for the sake of convenience or control. My opinion on this has changed. What I once believed was the sole “right” way to do things has more negatives now. There are more negatives than positives.

New owners should spay and/or neuter their kitten when it gets a little older. This action puts the cat at less risk. This helps avoid some of the negative risks of early surgeries.

What is the Best Age to Neuter a Cat?

Despite ongoing research and controversy, there is no “magic” age to neuter your Maine Coon. The breed is slow to mature. It is also a very large breed. I say that the longer you can wait, the better.

Males and female Maine Coon Cats begin to become sexually mature around 6 to 9 months of age. This can vary from cat to cat. We don’t want the males to start marking or “spraying”. We also don’t want the girls to have repeated heat cycles.

Spaying and neutering between the age of 5 to 6 months is the ideal and recommended age by me.

Resources To Do Your Own Research

I encourage everyone to do their own research. It’s important when it comes to making these types of decisions. I did my own research. There’s certainly two sides to this coin. I’ll post some of the articles I used for my own research.

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  1. Thank you for sharing this important information. We decided to wait until our Maine Coons were around 8 to 8.5 months old before neutering in hopes of reducing potential health issues from as a result of being neutered.

  2. For my male MC, I waited until 6 months of age so he could get as mature as possible, but before he potentially started spraying / marking his territory. He was 12 pounds at that time. With my females I like to have them spayed about 2 weeks after their first heat. It’s the only way I can be assured that she is hormonally mature. All my cats are indoor-only, so there is no risk of pregnancy during that first heat.

  3. Thank you for this information. We have just had our first litter. We chose to allow our babies the experience of a complete cycle. As a child I was told by many older folks that allowing your female pets to have at least one litter makes them better pets. So far this seems to be the case. I also have dogs and we allowed our female to have one litter. She is way more obedient than her daughter who we did not allow a litter. And both are struggling with weight compared to our boys who have not been fixed. I find that the only time my male Maine Coon marks his territory is when he’s angry at me for leaving the house or Molly is in full heat and we have allowed them to be together. I also find knowing where he marks and putting a sensor that warns him off works miracles at not marking. Using natural herbs works at keeping them off but you have to keep applying and you have to be careful which ones you use. I also found that rosemary works just as good at making them happy as catnip. Put a little rosemary on your hands and suddenly your their favorite human. I also discovered that this faded kitten syndrome seems to be some kind of infection. The entire litter was affected and before we put them on amoxacillon we were losing a kitten every 24 hours until my husband decided to research it. The vet said we couldn’t do anything. But we found a women that had a protocol to save the kittens we used it and the antibiotic and everyone who hadn’t started the syndrome became very healthy in a few hours and the sick one we were trying to save started making a turn around. I am happy to say the little man is a very healthy kitten at 8 weeks and is eating food from a bowl and not a bottle as of yesterday. His mom got breast fever and we ended up having to feed everyone for several weeks with her help. So many lessons and so much discovery. I’ve been raising kittens all my life up until 20 years ago and I never lost a single kitten. Never had a mother get milk fever. So I was shocked on how things have changed health wise for our cats. I did notice that when we got Molly her first set of shots shortly after we brought her home she got sick and really has had a lot of issues first with stools and allergies. So we never got her next round and have chosen to take a more holistic approach with all our pets because our dogs also had the same response. I can say that it seems to be reversing whatever caused the immune response and everyone is looking so much better.

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