maine coon cats on social media

Are you obsessed with Maine Coon cats? You’re not alone! Their majestic fluff and quirky personalities are captivating. These gentle giants have taken over social media in the most adorable way.

We use our social media accounts for entertainment, education, inspiration and community. These platforms integrate various elements into our message. This helps you learn more about who we are as breeders. You can also discover the personalities of our Maine Coons.

Here are the Top Three Maine Coon Influencers to Follow Online

  • Sassy Koonz Maine Coon Cattery
  • Wildmane Maine Coons
  • Maine Coon Adventures

If you’re a lover of Maine Coons, connect with us on social media. Our accounts celebrate everything we adore about the breed.

Maine Coon Cats on Tiktok and YouTube

Sassy Koonz Maine Coons

If you want to see adorable Maine Coon kittens or huge Maine Coon cats, this is the account for you. There are plenty of females with tortie-tude. You can also learn about the breed in a very easy-to-understand format.

Tracy posts regularly on her TikTok account regularly, keeping her videos short and easy to watch. The entertainment has a raw vibe, as well as the breeding perspectives and the love of her cats is apparent.

UPDATE: Sassy Koonz on Instagram and Facebook

We used to have an account on Instagram, but it got deleted for some reason. We never really tried to get it back, and were actually happy it was gone.:) So if you see a Sassy Koonz or a Tracy Caywood on Insta, it’s not us. It’s someone impersonating us which would make them Maine Coon scammers.

Facebook (which we like to call “Fakebook”) is not our favorite social media platform, either. It is true that we used to be very active on Facebook, posting photos and videos multiple times per day. Scammers on that platform drove us away. We also disliked the platform. Therefore, we made our last post in April 2024.

Our social media efforts will continue on TikTok and YouTube (unless TikTok gets banned in 2025). We’ll also continue to update and educate here on our blog. Be sure to subscribe to get emails with new kitten announcements and new blog posts.

woman holding a maine coon kitten like a hot dog

Wildmane Maine Coons

This is another amazing Maine Coon breeder with great social media accounts. I don’t know her personally, but I’ve been watching her journey since she started. What I love about her is her transparency, consistency, creativity, and the overall quality of her content.

The accounts are owned and managed by Zhana, a married mother with children. She dedicates her time (and her home) to raising well socialized Maine Coon cats. I love her content. This girl really knows how to deliver what people want on the different platforms. She does both long form and short form content.

She lives in California and only has a couple of litters of Maine Coon Kittens per year. if you’re looking for a breeder on the West Coast, I’d give her a follow.

Adorable Videos of Maine Coons

If you love a good story-teller, “Maine Coon Adventures” on YouTube does an outstanding job. The videos on this channel are highly creative, entertaining and filled with some of the most beautiful Maine Coons.

Credibility and Reputation

As with any social media account, always verify the credibility and authenticity of that person. Right now, many scammers are stealing content from influencers on social media. They use it to scam unknowing people out of money. You must know who you’re talking to. Understand their adoption process before you buy a kitten.

Use Social media as a Learning Opportunity

Social media isn’t just for cute videos and scroll-stopping photos. It’s also a treasure trove of knowledge for lovers of Maine Coon cats. From grooming tutorials to enrichment ideas, following the right accounts can teach you practical tips that improve your cat’s life.

You might stumble upon a video that shows the best way to detangle a long coat. You may also discover a breeder sharing insights into Maine Coon behavior. Plus, many creators are happy to answer questions, fostering a sense of community and connection.

Engage thoughtfully. Turn your daily scroll into an opportunity to grow as a Maine Coon owner. Enjoy all the adorable floof-filled content.

Comment below and let me know YOUR favorite Maine Coon Cats social media accounts!

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My name is Tracy Caywood. I live in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, and I'm the Guardian of the Sassy Koonz Maine Coon kittens. My goal and passion is to provide you with education, inspiration, and healthy, well-socialized beautiful Maine Coon babies that you'll love forever. My breeding journey started in 2017, and the cattery has flourished into one of the most sought-after catteries in the Untied States.

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