declawing cats

Declawing Cats is Inhumane and Cruel

Declawing cats is a heavily debated topic. Before you make this major decision for your cat, you should know about the actual procedure and how your cat will be affected. Keep reading to learn more about how declawing cats works.

Many people believe that declawing cats simply involves removing their claws. Itโ€™s much more intensive than that. The technique used varies, but the basic idea is the same. In the declawing procedure, the claw is removed. Then, the bone that the claw grows from is removed. Removing this bone stops the claw from growing back.

Also in this procedure, half of the pad is cut. That is the part underneath the bone that is cut. Many veterinarians compare this to having the tip of your finger cut off. This doesnโ€™t sound so good, does it?

Here is a great resource for learning more about the procedure of declawing cats.

Some veterinarians now refuse to declaw cats. This depends on the area, but it seems to be getting more and more common.

Jackson Galaxy talks about declawing cats. <3

Common Reasons Why People Choose to Declaw Cats

  • If you grew up with cats in your home, your family might have declawed them. This was common a few decades ago. Now, it is becoming less and less common though. You might simply think that cats are meant to be declawed and that itโ€™s as normal as having your cat spayed or neutered. 
  • They donโ€™t want the cat to destroy their furniture. This is a very popular reason that people choose to declaw their cats. Yes, cats can scratch furniture, but there are ways to protect both your furniture and your cat.
  • They donโ€™t know the dangers of declawing cats. Some people are unaware of the harm that declawing does to their cats. They also donโ€™t realize that their cats will be in great danger if they ever have to face a predator. This is usually caused by misinformation or lack of research.
  • They want to protect their children and themselves from being scratched. People are often worried about their cats scratching their kids. When cats are handled properly, they should not scratch. Additionally, there are ways to cover your catโ€™s claws to keep them from scratching children.
  • They do not want to take the time to train their cat to use a scratching post. Many people opt to declaw due to how quick the procedure is. They compare it to how long it would take to trim their catโ€™s claws or to train them to scratch a scratching post.

You’ve probably heard some basic information about why you should not declaw your cat. Letโ€™s elaborate on that information to make sure that all the bases are covered.

Your Cat Needs Its Claws!

One of the major reasons that cats need their claws to be intact is for self-defense. If your cat doesnโ€™t have their claws, they cannot protect themselves from predators in the wild. Even if your cat is an indoor cat, they might sneak out. Without claws, they have very little chance of making it out of a fight.

Declawing can cause health issues in your cat. This may include infection tissue death, pain, back pain, and walking pain. Sometimes the claws come back which can also cause your cat a great deal of pain. Nerve damage is also a common issue here.

Finally, some cats will go through behavioral problems. A specific example is a cat being in pain when stepping in the litter box. If this happens, cats may refuse to use the litter box. Cats also start biting as a form of self-defense in the home.

All of the issues that come along with declawing are not worth it. As a cat owner, you agree to take excellent care of your cat and their needs. Their health and ability to defend themselves are very important!

Luckily, there are plenty of alternatives to declawing. These alternatives are great for your furniture and for your catโ€™s safety!

Safe and Healthy Alternatives to Declawing Your Cats

Here are some of the best ways to keep your catโ€™s claws intact without making too many sacrifices:

  1. Cat nail covers: They come in awesome neon, pastels, and cute glittery colors and you just slip them over each of your catโ€™s claws. You simply place a little bit of glue in the cover and put the cover on your catโ€™s claw. Then if your cat does try to scratch the furniture or a person, there will not be any damage! These do need to be put back on periodically, so be prepared for a little bit of upkeep. You can buy them at pet stores or even on Amazon.
  2. Anti-scratch sprays: There are sprays that you can apply to your furniture that will work to deter cats. If your cat does not like the smell, they will stay away from the furniture and wonโ€™t scratch it. Some cat owners have realized that they only need to spray the furniture a few times before their cat catches on.
  3. Trim your catโ€™s nails: If you donโ€™t want to try to trim your catโ€™s nails on your own, many veterinarians or pet stores will do it for you. This usually costs anywhere from $10 to $15, but it depends on the location. Trimming your catโ€™s nails will keep them short enough so that they donโ€™t cause too much damage to your skin or your home, but they will still be protective in case of an encounter with a predator.
  4. Invest in a few scratching posts: Scratchers are a lot of fun for cats. Theyโ€™re very affordable if you buy a basic one. Some cats will require encouragement such as treats or catnip. Others will scratch as they please. Scratchers are helpful in giving cats their โ€œscratching fixโ€ so they stay away from your furniture.
  5. Admire their beautiful Claws. Not only are their claws beautiful and glorious, but so are all of the other Maine Coon Characteristics!


declawing-a catReputable Breeders Do Not Declaw Cats

If you’re looking for Maine Coon Kittens to add to your home and family, be sure to talk to the breeders and see how they feel about declawing cats. Anyone that has been educated on cats, breeds cats, and offers cats to the public as pets should have a strict policy against declawing.  There’s an entire article written here on our blog about Reputable Maine Coon Breeders and how to choose the best one. Be sure to check it out before you leave the site, especially if you’re looking for a new kitten.

As a community of Maine Coon lovers, it’s important to be educated on cats, learn how to care for your Maine Coon and always do what is best for them.

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My name is Tracy Caywood. I live in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, and I'm the Guardian of the Sassy Koonz Maine Coon kittens. My goal and passion is to provide you with education, inspiration, and healthy, well-socialized beautiful Maine Coon babies that you'll love forever. My breeding journey started in 2017, and the cattery has flourished into one of the most sought-after catteries in the Untied States.

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