naming a kitten

When it comes to naming a kitten, it takes some thought. Maine Coon breeders have to come up with a lot of names for their Maine Coon Kittens. I wanted to create a theme that was cool and also represented a little piece of me at the same time.

The theme for Sassy Koonz Maine Coon babies is ROCK AND ROLL! Classic rock, Alternative rock, hard rock, heavy metal.  It’s all there. Occasionally, I’ll throw in a band or artist that I love that isn’t rock n roll. But every kitten and its name is linked to me in some way.

There’s a few reasons for this.  First, I’m a huge Rock N’ Roll fan. Ever since I was a young girl, this genre of music has been my choice of good listening. To this day, it still is. As I write this blog bost about naming a kitten I’m listening to a Classic Rock station on Pandora. 

Music Gets Us Through Life

I think music gets us through a lot of things in our life, both good and bad, and helps us realize that other people have experienced or felt the same way. We can just relate to music in a special way.  It’s a celebration of our journey through this crazy thing called life.

With each beautiful and special litter born here at Sassy Koonz Maine Coon Cattery, they’re given a theme on how they’re named. Each one is special to me, because it has meaning to me from something in my life.

I have an entire catalog of names that I’ve chosen for kittens. When I hear a song on the radio that I love, I immediately write it down. Then I deep dive and find out the band members’ names, all of their albums, and songs. Those names go on the spreadsheet.

Once the Maine Coon kittens are born, I get to know them for the first few say before choosing which band or artist the litter will be. Then i assign them names based on a characteristic they have.

If you adopt a Sassy Koonz Maine Coon Kitten, it would make me very happy for you to keep their name.  Of course, you don’t have to. But if a little piece of me can go on with them forever, what an honor that would be!

Meet Freddie, the namesake for Freddie Mercury

Here’s an example of how I came up with the name of my latest kitten, Freddie. [Which is just an adorable name, by the way!]

Queen is one of my favorite bands of all time. They’re just so eclectic and well diverse. I have a Queen named Tiffany. Tiffany is named after one of Freddie Mercury’s cats.  Freddie Mercury loved his cats. In fact in the last music video ever shot of him, he was wearing a custom vest with renditions of his cats all over it! 

Tiffany’s first kitten was a singleton baby. A solid black boy. How cool is a singleton? It was a NO BRAINER than this baby should be named Freddie. A unique, stand-alone individual that is really something special and rare.  It’s not often that a singleton is born to a Queen. And when it is, his name shall be Freddie.

Here’s a little pic of Freddie at 1 day old. Is that such a PERFECT name for him??

maine coon kittens for sale
FREDDIE DOB May 7 2019 Solid Black Maine Coon Kitten

If you see a kitten on my website and you want to know the story behind naming the kitten, just click on their individual portfolios and the name origin is listed in their details. I’m happy to share the history behind the name. Every Maine Coon kitten has a little blip on their page about who or what they’re named after.

Some Bands I’ve Named Litters after:

  • Pink Floyd
  • Led Zeppelin
  • Glass Animals
  • Beastie Boys
  • Holywood Undead
  • Billie Eilish
  • Joan Jett and the Blackhearts
  • Queen
  • Ozzy Osborne
  • and more!

How to Pick a Name for Your Kitten

For some reason, if you don’t absolutely love the name that was given to your Maine Coon Kitten that comes from Sassy Koonz, I totally understand. Some people have names picked out for their future kitten long before they ever get it. Choosing a name for your kitten doesn’t have to be done right away.  Once you meet the new addition to your family, a name will usually find him or her.  You can certainly name your kitten something that means something to you. It’s your baby, your choice.

I’m not a fan of “common” names for a cat. I prefer to find some originality in each kitten, and give them a unique name. If you’re wondering what the 50 Most common names for a cat are, just have a look at this image below. This information was provided by “Bow Wow Meow”, a website that can help you come up with a cool name for your kitten using one of their tools.

naming a kitten

Naming a kitten is a big deal. This is the name that this cat will have its entire life. It will learn to respond to its name. Your friends and family will call the cat by its name.  The name for your kitten should be music to your ears.

Are you a Rocker or a Popper?

In 2022, my daughter Mallory joined me as a breeder at Sassy Koonz. She currently owns Monroe, and raises Monroe’s babies in her home. , and raises Monroe’s babies in her home. Mallory’s not much of a rocker, but she is a Popper (she likes Pop Music).

If you see kittens that have more of Pop Music theme than a Rocker Chic theme, chances are that Mallory is the Senior Guardian over those kittens.

Fall in Love with the Story

Every kitten has a story, even if it’s how they got their name. They’ll have many more stories to tell as time goes by, and they bring joy to the lives of their Guardians.  But to kick start their little lives, I give each one a piece of my life, and give them a name that means something to me. Thank you for taking the time to learn how I name my Maine Coon Kittens, and enjoy the journey with me, watching how I name the rest of them!

If you’re thinking about adopting a Maine Coon Kitten, check out this article on How to Choose the Best Maine Coon Breeder. you should always feel 100% confident in the breeder that is bringing your baby into this world and raising it until its ready to move to his forever home. Before you leave, be sure to check out our Maine Coon Kittens!

Do you have a cool name and/or story about how your cat got its name?  SHARE THEM WITH ME IN THE COMMENT SECTION! I’d love to hear from you.

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My name is Tracy Caywood. I live in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, and I'm the Guardian of the Sassy Koonz Maine Coon kittens. My goal and passion is to provide you with education, inspiration, and healthy, well-socialized beautiful Maine Coon babies that you'll love forever. My breeding journey started in 2017, and the cattery has flourished into one of the most sought-after catteries in the Untied States.

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  1. The hubby and I believe in the magic that is around us daily. When we name a new family member it usually takes on that tone Our dog’s name is Mojo so takes after magic and one of my most favorite groups, The Doors. We don’t have a cat yet but … VooDoo/HooDoo has crossed our minds.

    Thanks for sharing how you name your kittens!

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