Iโve had cats all of my life. Owning a Maine Coon changed my life, though. Once I discovered this amazing breed, I decided to become a Maine Coon Breeder.
As a child, most of my cats were outside cats since my parents didnโt much care for animals inside the house. I would sneak my cats in during cold weather and hide them in my closet and then let them out of my window early in the morning.
My husband got me a Himalayan kitten when I was just 25 years old. It was around Christmas time when I got him, and I named him Jack Frost. We called him “Jack” for short. He was very loved and was the family pet for our children as they were growing up. He wasn’t the most social of cats to friends, but he did love the company of our family.
Jack lived a good life, traveling with us, moving around with us, through the beginning of our marriage and raising children. He was the only cat that I had from kittenhood until he died. He was my best bud !
He passed away in January 2012 from Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. He was 14 years old at the time.
After about a year, I decided it was time to get a kitten. This time, a different breed. Although I loved Jack, I wanted to experience a different personality type. My son, who is also a cat enthusiast, researched different breeds and suggested that I get a Maine Coon. He sent me a photo of one. I was instantly in love. I did some of my own research about their temperaments and traits, and was hooked!
Meet Our Family Of Maine Coons
In June 2014, I got my first Maine Coon. His name is Finlay. He came from LuckyPaws Maine Coons. He’s a Classic Brown Tabby with a touch of white. This kid is Mr. Cool. He looks after all of the ones that came after him, giving them baths and correcting them if they get out of hand. He does love to be groomed! This is our regular bed sleeper. No matter what, Finlay is always in our bed at night. Sometimes at the foot of the bed, sometimes lying beside his favorite Hooman, my husband. He’s as big as a toddler, so might have to upgrade to a King Size bed! LOL
It all went uphill from there. One Maine Coon wasn’t enough. I had to have another one. That’s when I found Big Ben in November 2016. He came from SonShine Coons, as he was there as a foster, but the breeder was actually 3B Al Coons. He’s a blue silver tabby with white. Big Ben is our house goofball. He’s clumsy, playful, beautiful, and sweet. Most of all. He is a TANK. He’s still a youngster and already weighs in at almost 20 pounds. Big Ben loves water, loves his siblings, and loves his belly rubs.
I love this breed so much, that I had to have another one! So I got Omega in September 2017. He came from a breeder in South Carolina. He’s a solid white Maine Coon male. He has turned to be one of the best cats ever! His personality is to die for! He’s so gentle and kind. He’s got swag. Everyone loves him and he’s just a beautiful boy.
For a list of recommended Maine Coon Breeders, visit my Favorite Breeder recommendations page.
The Journey as a Maine Coon Breeder
It was around January 2017 that I started thinking about becoming a Maine Coon Breeder. I began to research, study and started talking to breeders and trying to learn as much as I could about this breed. It’s a much different feeling being on the side that helps create this wonderful breed of cat versus being the pet owner. There’s a huge responsibility to improve the breed, maintain its integrity, and ensure that the wonderful beauty, health, and temperaments are continued on for many years.
In December 2017, I did it! I pulled the trigger and purchased my first Maine Coon female. Her name is Ursula. She’s a gorgeous black tortie Maine Coon who came from Catsvill County Maine Coons in Moscow Russia. Ursula went on to produce several litters of Maine Coon kittens and has retired into her forever home. Thank you for the great beginning, Ursy!!
So why did I decide to breed Maine Coons?
I love Maine Coons! As a cat lover, you should be able to experience a cat as awesome as a Maine Coon, so I’m going to help you achieve that.
There’s not a lot of information for people like me (or you) who are serious about becoming involved and are truly looking for information. We do have social media, but to be honest, I didn’t get the best reception from other breeders. It’s a tough business to be welcomed into, and that makes it a little challenging.
I have tough skin though. My primary business is real estate investing which is dominated 80% by men. I have 4 older brothers, and I’m an Aries. There’s not much anyone can say to me that prevents me from pushing forward on something that I’m passionate about.
My true admiration for this cat breed has led me to this point. My goal and desire is to improve the Maine Coon, and provide healthy, beautiful kittens to families and fellow Coonie lovers who will enjoy their furry friends for many years. I’m looking forward to people who are new to the breed being enamored by this majestic kitty.
I’m an entrepreneur and currently managing 2 businesses of my own. My husband and I have bought and sold real estate for the past 20 years (we flip houses), and I’m also a coach and mentor to aspiring people who also want to learn the same real estate business that I’m in. That’s my online information business (Property M.O.B.). We make great money. So I’m definitely not doing it for the money. I’m doing it out of true love, passion, and enthusiasm for the Maine Coon.
Everything Ahead Looks Happy and Bright
I’m looking forward to working with everyone with whom I come in contact, both pet owners and fellow breeders! I’ll never forget how tough it was (and still is) at times to get questions answered, and all of the concerns that come up as a new breeder.
The breeders aren’t wrong when they say “there’s a lot to learn”. I have learned so much about the breed, cat shows, hormones, diseases, and color combinations! It’s an exciting place for me to be right now. I plan on being the best Maine Coon breeder that I can be, and I hope that one day, I’ll be able to share my knowledge and experience with a new, aspiring breeder. <3 I’ll be there to help you. I give you my word. It’s the MAIN reason I started this blog, as a resource for anyone else who might be interested in experiencing the journey of becoming a breeder of Maine Coons.
And for those couple of people who have always been nice to me, answered my questions, and kept my hopes up knowing that there were actually people out there who cared, THANK YOU. I will never forget about you. You’re the reason I’m making this happen for myself.
If you want to follow my journey, subscribe to my blog and get updates as they’re published. You can also check Available Maine Coon Kittens for Sale to see what we’re up to.
How to Breed Maine Coon Cats
If you’re in love with this amazing Pedigree cat, and would like to learn the basics about feline husbandry and being a Pedigree Cat breeder, check out this course that I wrote specifically for people like you! The Complete Guide to Breeding Pedigree Cats will get your started with the fundamentals.
Learn some interesting facts about the Adopt Don’t Shop Movement.
My daughter and I really want to start a cattery and learn all we can about these magnificent cats. We are starting from square 1 and need a mentor. Is there any chance that you would have time to share your knowledge with us?
Send me a message using this link: https://m.me/sassykoonz