Maine coon grooming tips

Are you looking for Maine Coon grooming tips? You are not alone! It’s something you don’t consider much. That is, until you have the Maine Coon in your home. One of the most distinguishing attributes of a Maine Coon is their luxurious coat. You’ll read online that the coat of a Maine Coon is “low maintenance.” Some say it doesn’t require a lot of brushing. That’s just simply not true.

There are different types of coats on a Maine Coon. There are those that are very silky and smooth. This keeps Maine Coon fur matting to a minimum. Some are thick and dense and require a lot of upkeep. Then there are those that have “cottony” coats. Those guys have the highest level of maintenance.

How to Maintain a Gorgeous Maine Coon Coat

Developing a routine for your Maine Coon will be the easiest way to integrate this into your life. It will become second nature. Any time you see the stainless steel comb laying around, just pick it up. Tap it on the table. Eventually, your cat will come right over and enjoy his beauty time. Start by combing around the head and mane. Then work the sides of the body, belly, and back of the legs.

You can do several things to keep your Maine Coon’s coat in great condition. Also, you can use various tools. Let’s discuss:

Regular Bath, Blow Dry and Comb Outs

Starting when your Maine Coon kitten is young, give them regular baths and blow drys. A regular schedule would be about once a month. This helps get them used to being in the sink or tub and getting wet.

Before giving your Maine Coon a bath, always trim their nails. If they decide to escape with claws out, they don’t slice you with their murder mittens. They can certainly escape from the tub sometimes.

As the cat gets older, you can extend the length of time between baths. As an adult, if your cat has a thick greasy coat, then shampoo and blow-dry it once every other month. This method will work wonders. This will keep their coats squeaky clean and help remove loose hairs. This will be particularly helpful in the summer months when Maine Coon shedding kicks up a notch.

Never use a shampoo made for humans on your cat. Use a shampoo made specifically for cats. If you really want to get spiffy, use a degreaser on the coat before the shampoo.

These are the products I use for your kitten’s grooming feature right before he goes home.

degreasing shampoo for a maine coon cat
hypoallergenic shampoo for a maine coon cat

Most cats don’t like the sound of the blow dryer. That’s what makes them afraid more than anything. You can buy a cool little device called a “happy hoodie”. Put it on their head and cover their ears before you blow-dry them. This will reduce the loud sounds and wind blowing into their ears during the blow-dry process.

maine coon wearing a happy hoodie during grooming session
The Happy Hoodie
grooming comb for a maine coon cat

Dry your cat completely, and then comb their coat out with a stainless steel comb. This is the best tool for reaching the entire length of the hair strands and down to the skin. The combing will remove any loose hair and tangles. Your kitty will look gorgeous when you’re done.

This 7.5″ Stainless Steel comb is the best tool for getting through the total length of the hair shaft!

Daily Combing of your Maine Coon

Daily combing is an integral part of maintaining a beautiful coat. Just like humans, your cat’s coat needs maintenance. It needs to be combed every day to remove tangles and make it look nice and smooth.

It only takes a couple of minutes each day to comb your cat’s coat. Begin when they’re kittens and offer a treat or two during grooming time. Pay attention to the areas of the cat that tend to get matted more frequently. Under the arms, the back of the legs and the tummy are the worst.

If you find a tangle or a small mat during the daily combing, remove it carefully. Use your comb. You can also use a dematting tool that helps if the mats have become too tight. Never use scissors to try and remove a mat. Your cat’s skin is ultra-thin and scissors will cut through it like butter. Use the proper tools to prevent harming your cat’s delicate skin.

If your Maine Coon gets severe mats, then you can consider giving him a lion cut.

Grooming Spray for Maine Coons

Grooming spray is an awesome way to help reduce tangles and mats in between baths.

This leave-in conditioner for cats is very effective. They smell really nice, and they keep the coat in tip-top shape.

Coconut Oil

coconut oil used for maine coon

Coconut oil has many health benefits for your cat. One of them is that it offers healthy skin and hair! This can mean less hairballs.

Start by offering your cat some organic coconut oil on your fingers. Just a tiny bit will do. If he licks it off and enjoys it, then wah-lah!

Gradually increase the amount every couple of days. Continue this until you’re up to 1/4 teaspoon of coconut oil per 10 pounds of cat. It’s a very small amount that can add so much to the healthy coat of your Maine Coon. After several months, you’ll see a noticeable difference in their coat.

Grooming Tools for Maine Coons

  • Stainless Steel Comb
  • Mat Remover
  • Detangling Spray
  • Furminator
  • Nail Clippers
  • Fur Remover for Your Sofa

Do Maine Coon Cats Shed? Here’s What You Should Know 🐾

Do Maine Coon cats shed? The short answer is—yes, they absolutely do!

These majestic cats, native to the U.S. and specifically the state of Maine, are known for their luxurious, thick coats. They have fancy ear furnishings and fluffy tufts on their paws. It’s part of what makes them so gorgeous. But with all that beauty comes one simple truth:

Maine Coons shed. A lot.

Why Do Maine Coons Shed?

Just like humans naturally lose hundreds of hairs daily, shedding is a normal and necessary process for cats. It allows them to get rid of dead, loose hair and make room for new, healthy growth.

If you’re living with a Maine Coon, you’ve probably already noticed:

  • Tumbleweeds of silky fur rolling across your hardwood floors
  • A constant supply of hair on your furniture
  • Cat fur stuck to your clothes

Pro tip: Invest in lint rollers… lots of them!

Maine Coon Shedding: What Affects It?

Every Maine Coon will shed, but not all Maine Coons shed the same way. Their coat type can influence how much fur ends up floating around your home.

Types of Coats:

  • Silky, smooth coats: Easier to manage, slightly less prone to heavy matting
  • Dense, greasy coats: Can tangle and mat more easily, may shed more if not properly groomed

Genetics play a role here. Some bloodlines naturally produce thicker, more maintenance-heavy coats.

Regardless of coat type, shedding is inevitable. And whether your Maine Coon is grooming himself (hello, hairballs!) or you’re brushing him, loose hair will be part of your life.

👉 Not sure if your Maine Coon needs a bath? Read: Does Your Maine Coon Need a Bath?

Do Maine Coons Shed a Lot?

maine coon cat getting combed to reduce shedding

Yes. Maine Coons shed more than the average short-haired cat due to:

  • Their double-layered coat
  • Seasonal changes
  • Natural grooming habits

You’ll notice an increase in shedding:

  • In the spring and summer, as they lose their thicker winter coat
  • After shedding their mane, which often happens in warmer months

That luxurious ruff around their neck? It might shrink down in summer but will come back strong in winter. It’s all part of their natural cycle.

How Much Do Maine Coon Cats Shed?

It’s no secret—Maine Coons shed year-round. While they shed more heavily during the spring and summer, their coat is constantly turning over.

Some cats may shed less than others, depending on:

  • Genetics
  • Diet
  • Grooming habits
  • Indoor vs. outdoor environment

How to Reduce Shedding in Your Maine Coon 🧹

While you can’t stop shedding entirely (wishful thinking!), you can absolutely reduce it. Here’s how:

1️⃣ Feed a Healthy Diet 🥩

A high-quality diet rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids is essential for maintaining a healthy, shiny coat.A proper diet ensures your Maine Coon stays at a healthy weight. This keeps their overall health in top condition, including their skin and fur.
Shiny coat = less dry, brittle fur = less shedding!

Need help with nutrition? Check out:
👉 What Should I Feed My Maine Coon?

2️⃣ Regular Grooming 🖌️

Brush your Maine Coon at least a few times per week.

  • Removes loose, dead hair before it ends up on your couch
  • Reduces the number of hairballs (bonus!)
  • Keeps mats and tangles at bay

Some Maine Coons LOVE being brushed. Make it part of your bonding time!

👉 Check out: Does My Maine Coon need a bath?

3️⃣ Use Deshedding Gloves 🧤

Between brushings, deshedding gloves are lifesavers. Just slip one on and pet your cat—simple! Bonus use: These gloves are also fantastic for cleaning fur off:

  • Cat trees
  • Furniture
  • Rugs, curtains, and bedding

4️⃣ Keep Stress Levels Low 😌

Did you know stress can contribute to excessive shedding? Stress triggers over-grooming, hair loss, and even health issues like diarrhea or respiratory flare-ups.

Learn more about reducing stress in cats:
👉 Raising a Healthy Cat: Stress Signs & Solutions

Expect Some Shedding—But Manage It!

At the end of the day, shedding comes with the territory when you live with a Maine Coon. Their coat is part of their charm—and with a little effort, you can keep shedding under control.

✔️ Feed them well
✔️ Groom them regularly
✔️ Keep them stress-free
✔️ Have lint rollers handy 😄

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My name is Tracy Caywood. I live in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, and I'm the Guardian of the Sassy Koonz Maine Coon kittens. My goal and passion is to provide you with education, inspiration, and healthy, well-socialized beautiful Maine Coon babies that you'll love forever. My breeding journey started in 2017, and the cattery has flourished into one of the most sought-after catteries in the Untied States.

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  1. Thank you for all the very helpful information. Ruka (Izzy) attacks the comb every time I try to comb her. I try to catch her when she’s cat napping so she’s not in such a playful mood but it doesn’t work most of the time. How do you use the treats to help in the grooming?

  2. I have a question: My 14 month old MC is having problems with her coat. She has started scratching around her neck and has pulled out much of the longer hair around her neck. She has a cottony coat and it seems she has also become somewhat compulsive about grooming, which se is doing non-stop. I’m not sure what the problem is…Overwhelmed with all the new fur??? Stressed?

    Vet prescribed a medicated shampoo and 2x week bath for a month. She’s gonna hate it. Any advice?

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