Are you aware that you can adopt a retired Maine Coon? This article will shed some light on what a retired Maine Coon is, and how you can add one to your family.
What is a Retiree?
A Maine Coon retiree is a cat that has been spayed and/or neutered that is no longer eligible for a breeding program. A retiree is offered to a new home, typically at a reduced price than that of a kitten. When you adopt a retiree, you’ll know more about their personality, like if they are a cuddly Maine Coon or more of an independent cat.
Why does a breeder Retire their cats?
A breeder will retire their cats for various reasons. Ideally, the retiree is an adult and will have been a positive contribution to the breeding program. Every breeder has their own set of standards as far as how long they will allow their adult tribe to work as breeding animals before deciding to retire. Sassy Koonz’s goal is that healthy, productive adults will work until the maximum age of 5 years old.
There are many factors that will lead to the retirement of a cat. Lets Explore A Few:
Cat has reached Breeding Goals:
The cat will be retired once it has contributed to the breeding program as planned.
Health Issues:
A breeding cat can be retired at any age if a health problem is discovered. Sometimes the health problem is identified in the offspring of the cat before it is ever realized in the adult. A responsible breeder will retire a cat immediately if a health issue is discovered that threatens the quality of life of the kittens.
Undesireable Temperament:
One of the goals of a well-rounded kitten is to have a good temperament. Much of that comes from the Queen. If the Queen doesn’t have a calm, even temperament, then the breeder may choose to retire that Queen early.
Undesirable Type:
Until the adults start producing offspring, we’re unable to see what ‘type” of kittens they will produce. Breeders that are advocates for meeting the breed standard will sometimes retire an adult if the kittens that are being produced are not meeting the description as closely as they would like.
Being a breeding tribe member or living in a cattery environment is not for everyone! This can cause a great deal of stress for some cats. Stress is obvious when the cat is showing signs of aggression, inappropriate elimination, hiding, or having recurring incidents of illness. While most breeders will do everything they can to reduce stress in their cattery, sometimes it’s just not enough. Once retired, the “stressed out” cats usually resume a normal and happy life in their new homes living as pets.
Reproductive Issues:
Every cat matures at different times. Once a cat has reached 2 to 3 years old,they should be able to produce kittens. If this goal isn’t accomplished, or there are multiple attempts at mating without success, then the cat will be retired.
These are just some of the few reasons, certainly not all of them, that a breeder will retire their breeding cats.
Retired Maine Coon Cats for Sale
If you’re interested in our retired Maine Coon cats for sale from Sassy Koonz, the best plan is to look through our active cats that are being used for breeding. If you see one you’re particularly interested in then fill out an application. Indicate on your application which cat you’re interested in. If you’re approved, we’ll make a note to contact you when that cat is retiring.
Benefits of Adopting a Maine Coon Retiree
There’s no doubt that Maine Coon kittens are full of energy and are a little more demanding of attention that an adult. Depending on your lifestyle and commitment to raising a young cat, a Maine Coon Retiree might be a better option for you.
Here are some benefits of adopting an adult or Retired Maine Coon:
- Personality of the cat is already well-established
- Kitten stage is over and the cat is calm and settled
- Lower cost to acquire a retiree than a young Maine Coon kitten
- Physical Traits are established and apparent
- You’re giving the retiree the comfort of a forever cozy home, the best part <3
These are the cats that have retired from Sassy Koonz Maine Coon cattery. They’ve aready been spayed/neutered and are living in their new homes. If you’re interested in adopting a Retired Maine Coon, please see information below.
Retired Sassy Koonz Maine Coons: THESE CATS ARE NOT AVAILABLE! I’m just sharing their photos so you can see some of our retirees
How to Adopt a Sassy Koonz Maine Coon Retiree
We love our adults and want our retirees to go to only the best, moving wonderful homes. We will hand-select the homes where our retirees go, as each cat has a unique personality and may require special circumstances (no other cats, no dogs, no small children, etc). If you are interested in being notified when a Retiree becomes available, please complete our Guardian Application and indicate that you’re interested in a Retiree. If you have a specific cat in mind, please note that also.
I have already been approved as a guardian and I love this option of adopting a retired Maine Coon. I have been waiting to contact you because I have an older kitty that I love very much and I am not sure she would welcome a young kitten. I have always wanted a Maine Coon. This May be a better option. Beth Clemens.
I really wish I could get my hubby to let me get one! I love Wabi Sabi!!!
Thats a nice idea – adopting a retired Maine Coon. I always wanted a Maine Coon.
We want a retired female. Adult or senior. What is the fee for adopting one of those? We have 2 Havanese. Our Maine Coon passed away from congestive heart failure about 2 years ago, & I miss having Miss Fionna around. Our cats live indoors but we have a screened porch & also a fenced yard if yours are used to going outside. I filled out the application but did not submit because I am not interested in a kitten. At our age we would need two to keep them busy enough! A calm older cat that gets along with small(8 & 14 lb) dogs is our wish.
Hello! There is an option on the adoption application to choose a “retiree”. ๐
Had a Maine coon in the past and after one no other cat will do ! Love the Maine coon personality. I live in New York and have references and a veterinary reference as well. Thank you
Please complete an application to be considered. Thank you ๐
I love your goal for these maine coon cats. I have had maine coons since 1996, and find them to be an outstanding pet. Please let me know if you have any kitties to rehome.
Have had one Maine Coon,adopted off the street! He was declawed and did not fit the coon mold, took a couple of years for us to even tolerate each other,did not let other cats or dogs down our street. He was black and white and one of the saddest moments in my life was having to bury him.
I love Maine coon cats. I have owned two – first one died of a undiagnosed heart defect and I lost the second one last August. I am sorta lost not sharing my home and my affection with another one. The last one was a kitten and at the time I was offered his mother also who, at that time, was being retired but I felt the kitten would be enough to handle. I will always regret that decision. I would love to qualify for adopting an adult or retiring adult into my home. It is a large home with a large screened in lanai where both my previous fur-babies spent long hours in safety watching and listening to the sounds in the woods surrounding us. Can you help me with the process of becoming an owner once again. I am going through your recommended adoption process now.
After 40 years of rescue, I’d like to have a cat (mature not kitten) that can leash walk, trusts humans, is mellow and can handle dogs. I once had one (not a maine coon, parentage unknown) who grew to 20 lbs, black, like a mini leopard, and who did all of the above. I raised him from 5 weeks old. He was da bomb and in my old age, I’d like a cat that can travel with me cars, trains, planes and so on without skipping a beat. One I can rely on to stay in the enclosed yard, be happy and yet go to the beach with me on leash and harness and NOT be afraid. A dog cat. So a cat show breed Maine Coon seems best of the pick…
Rehoming adults is a great option. For me, as I am hitting retirement myself, having a certified pre-owned pet is the way to go! I just don’t have the energy for babies anymore.