What is the temperament of a Maine coon

Are you wondering “what is the temperament of a Maine Coon”. They are known for having wonderful temperaments and being highly social. Let’s dive a bit deeper into this topic and discover what this amazing cat is all about. As you read this, remember that this article will be speaking of Maine Coons in general. Just like humans, they’re all different. You can certainly encounter an oddball that doesn’t fit any of these Maine Coon characteristics. That just makes yours a little more unique!

The Social Manners of a Maine Coon

Maine Coons are known to be very “social” cats. What this typically means is that they’re happy to be around humans. The humans that they live with as well as humans that visit their home. In most cases, your Maine Coon will follow you everywhere you go. This behavior makes them similar to that of a dog. If you go to bed, they come with you. If you go to the bathroom, they come along, too! They are definitely not a breed that likes to hide under the bed or avoids the thought of a house party. You may find your Maine Coon in the middle of all of the action at any social event you host in your home. They love attention.

Maine Coon cats also like to cuddle. They’re very amiable and affectionate. This behavior takes some time to develop, however, since they’re slow to mature. Be patient, as it might take some time before your feline friend is curling up in your lap for a nap. They’re very busy as kittens and have no time for that right now!

Are Maine Coons Lap Cats?

Everyone can appreciate a snuggle bunny lap cat! The truth is, MOST cats aren’t snuggling bunnies. I think that’s why people desire this trait in a cat so much. Cats are independent and don’t need the comfort of a human. They do just fine on their own. When they decide they need love, they’ll let you know. ๐Ÿ˜€

On that note, I’ve noticed that Maine Coons are definitely lap cats and DO like to hang with it’s humans. They like to be very close. Sitting on the couch while you watch TV, lounging on the kitchen floor while you cook dinner, and sleeping at the foot of the bed while you sleep. This behavior is enough to soothe the soul of anyone. Since the Maine Coon is slow to mature (4 to 5 years before they reach full maturity), it can take a couple of years for your Maine Coon to calm down enough from kittenhood to be ready to relax on the couch. One day, all of the sudden, your Coonie will hop up on the sofa and curl up next to you. He might even roll over and ask for a belly rub!

Do Maine Coons Get Along with Dogs?

do maine coons get along with dogs

Maine Coons do get along well with dogs! They’re very accepting of new animals in the home, as long as the introduction process is done properly. You’ll find that your Maine Coon may even think it’s a dog itself, playing catch and begging for treats at the dinner table.

As with any cat, however, if you have a dog that likes to chase or harass the kitty, you may discover that your Coonie isn’t so pleased. Out of self defense or irritation, your Maine Coon will growl, hiss and even swat at the dog, boxing it upside the head. It’s important to teach your dog not to chase cats so that your pets can live harmoniously together.

Do Maine Coons like other cats?

do maine coons like other cats
Finlay (black tabby) and Omega (solid white)

Maine Coons do get along well with other cats. In fact, it is believed that they prefer the company of a feline friend more than other breeds of cats. If you have one Maine Coon, then you already know the rule: YOU CAN’T HAVE JUST ONE!

Always keep in mind that every cat that you have has its own personality. Finlay, the black tabby that you see pictured in the photo with Omega (the solid white Maine Coon) was beating his “friend” up just a few hours before I took this photo. Finlay gets like that sometimes. One minute he’s just fine, getting along with everyone and the next minute he’s being a bully, grabbing them around the neck and kicking their fur out.

For this reason, I keep Feliway plugins in a couple of the rooms. For the most part, however, Finlay enjoys the company of his buds and even lets them use his tummy as a pillow. It’s also important to make sure each cat has its own resources in the home (food bowl, litter box, bed, cat tree, or perch). This prevents any bickering over what is most important to them.

Just like with dogs, if you want your cats to get along with each other for the rest of their lives, then practice the proper introduction process. Although I highly recommend it to every kitten or cat that leaves my cattery, people don’t always put this into play. They just throw the animals together and because they’re not “fighting”, think that there is no stress between them. This is simply not true. Take the time to do a proper introduction and your animals will appreciate that for the rest of their lives.

Maine Coons with Children

Maine Coons are considered the “gentle giant”. Despite their size, they’re very gentle creatures. They blend well into any family and can add many wonderful memories to the lives of children. Be careful that your toddlers or small children aren’t pulling at the ears, whiskers, fur, or tail of your Maine Coon.

What a wonderful friend your child can have in a Maine Coon. With their loyal and amiable personalities, it’s a cat that can grow up with your child and have a real friend!

The Importance of a Good Temperament

As a breeder of Maine Coon kittens, the primary goals of my cattery are Health, Temperament, and Type (in that order). I know exactly how important it is to produce kittens with beautiful temperaments.

It is my goal to provide friendly, social kittens that will blend well into any family, and live happily as a member of that family. One of the ways that I support my goal is to choose and breed cats that have excellent overall temperaments. Sure, theyโ€™re all unique in their own way and they may have their quirks, but if I realize that the kittens donโ€™t have great temperaments, then Iโ€™ll spay or neuter the parent from which I think the temperament is springing from. I haven’t had to do that yet.

Nature Or Nurture

This is a question that can be asked about any living creature. What really drives the temperament of our Maine Coon? Is it the parents of the kitten that give it its personality? Is it the socialization period that is provided by humans? I think it’s a beautiful combination of both of these efforts that will ultimately mold and shape the kittens into the ideal pet.

I spend a great deal of time with all of the Maine Coon kittens that I raise. Starting at around 2 weeks old, I hold them, pet them, and play with them as part of my daily routine. Adults and children alike (Friends, family, and neighbors) are also invited over to be a part of the socialization of the kittens. They also get to meet and interact with our dog and other adult cats. I provide as much nurturing to the babies before they go home as I feel they need to be well-rounded pets.

The Biggest part of the Maine Coon Temperament Comes from their Parents

maine coon temperament

I’ve discovered this over the past few years when speaking to Guardians that own a Sassy Koonz Kitten and learning how the cat acts once its at home. There are certainly similarities in personalities with their parents! Some of it could be running away when the doorbell rings. Some of it can be eating their food with their paws and being messy eaters.

Kittens are raised by their moms and taught how to be cat. If she is friendly and docile, then the kittens most likely will be as well. They watch and learn from her how to react to humans, sounds, and other animals. This doesn’t mean that we won’t get an oddball in the bunch. I’ve certainly seen that. There is no certainty when it comes to any living creature, whether humans or cats.

Nurturing your pets will certainly have an effect on their temperament. If you provide them with a calm, enriched environment then they will repay you by offering you the companionship that will last for years. Take the time to learn and understand the behavior of your new kitten, so that you can help adapt your home into a home that will also accommodate your pet.

Identifying Temperaments in Maine Coon Kittens

what is the temperament of a maine coon

A common request that I get is for a “cuddly” kitten. That’s almost impossible to identify at an early age! Kittens go through developmental stages of life very rapidly. To be quite honest, they have NO TIME for snuggles. For about the first 6- 8 weeks of life, it’s very hard to see any type of temperament. They basically act like “kittens” with no unique markers in personality. Around 6 weeks old I can see a little bit of behavior that makes them unique, maybe little quirky things that they do. To look at anyone with a straight face and claim the true temperament of any kitten before the age of 8-10 weeks old would be misleading, in my opinion. Even at that age, they still act very similarly in nature.

I put my faith in my Queens and Sires to give the kittens a good start in life. This means starting with excellent genetic temperaments. After that, it’s up to us humans to continue on the patient and nurturing legacy. This will mimic what their mother provides to them as babies.

Think of it like adopting a newborn baby. You can do the research on the parents before you make a decision to adopt a particular child. Once the baby is in your home, part of the experience of raising that baby is watching it’s personality grown and develop. You try to bring up the best person you can with love and nurturing. Getting to know your baby is a journey – not really something that you can require before you bring it home. It’s the same exact way with a kitten. When these babies go home they’ve only been alive for about 3 months! Their life has just begun and they have to discover who they are themselves.

As time passes each day with your kitten, you’ll notice new things about them that you’ve never noticed before. They may even start picking up new habits (like chirping, for instance!).

Are Maine Coon Cats Aggressive?

By nature, the Maine Coon cat is not aggressive. There are certain environments and circumstances that would cause one to become aggressive. In that case, seek the advice of your veterinarian or an animal behaviorist for advice. This is totally uncharacteristic of a Maine Coon cat.

Commitment to Your Kitten

If you plan on adopting a Maine Coon kitten, please take into consideration your current situation. The number of animals you currently have, and any future plans to add more. Be prepared to commit to your new kitten for the rest of its life (12 -15 years), even if it does end up being the oddball of the group! As the breeder of Sassy Koonz Maine Coon Kittens, I’m here to offer support and guidance throughout the life of your new family member. <3

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    Love your blog.

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