Are you wondering when do Maine Coon kittens get their mane? One of the most beautiful and desirable Maine Coon Characteristics is the big mane that resembles a lion. Some of the most beautiful cats you’ll see have big luxurious manes around their neck. They can vary in different lengths and thicknesses.
The age of which your Maine Coon kitten gets their mane will depend on several different factors .Some of them take a very long time to develop their long thick coats. Let’s have a look at some of the things to know about Maine Coon coat development.
Maine Coon Coat Development
Maine Coon coat development is different for each cat. Much of the Maine Coon coat development is linked to genetics. If one parent is from a “slow to mature” bloodline, the kitten will likely not develop its mane until it is three years old. You can look at photographs of your kitten’s parents. This will help you see the type of mane your kitten will inherit.
In the summer, Maine Coons will lose their heavy undercoat. This is referred to as “blowing their coat”. They will always grow it back in preparation of a cold winter. Queens/ nursing mothers can also blow their coats while they’re raising a litter of kittens.
During these times, the mane won’t be as apparent as it is when they’re wearing their winter outfit.
On average, your Maine Coon kitten will begin to get its adult coat at around 7 months of age. You’ll notice the texture and even the color begin to change once this transformation starts to take place. Around the age of 9 months old, you should start to see the mane develop. It may be just slightly visible at first. Over time, the mane will grow long and thick. Eventually, your Maine Coon will have a full necklace around his head.
Grown Maine Coon Ruff
Part of the Maine Coon breed standard is to have a “frontal ruff” with age. If you have a Pedigree Maine Coon cat, you can expect to see the famous mane within a few years. It will be in all its glory.
Here are some photographs of kittens at different stages of kitten life, next to their photos as older kittens. You’ll notice the difference in the appearance of the kitten with its baby coat. It appears distinct from the adult coat.
The next time you’re wondering “when do Maine coon kittens get their mane“, now you’ll know! Read some other Interesting Facts about Maine Coon cats.
Are you ready for a beautiful Maine Coon kitten that will grow a big mane? Come see our Maine Coon Kittens for Sale and reserve your next family member.
Great information!